Audit, Review, and Compilation Services
Choosing the right accounting firm to examine your nonprofit organization is critical. The Blackman & Sloop team has extensive technical expertise and the experience necessary to perform comprehensive evaluations of your organization’s health. Further, our name is trusted in the accounting industry. This elevates the credibility of your financial reporting, thus improving your relationships with those who hold an interest in your organization. As a member of the AICPA Government Audit Quality Center, we have the necessary experience to perform audits in accordance with Uniform Guidance as well as Yellow Book audits in line with government auditing standards.
When we provide an audit, we give an opinion as to whether your financial statements are free of errors and fairly presented. Audited financial statements are often a requirement from donors and government agencies.
Reviews provide a more limited assurance that your financial statements are free of errors and fairly presented than an audit. However, it is sometimes the case that a review is sufficient assurance for a grant organization and a full audit is not required.
A financial statement compilation is a service to assist management in presenting financial statements. This presentation does not provide assurance; however, it can be a strong tool in understanding the financial health of the organization.